What is non-dogmatic Freemasonry?

Non-dogmatic Freemasonry is a traditional humanist, philosophical, and initiatory society based on the idea of Fraternity among equals. Unlike political or dogmatic organizations, Freemasonry is not a social club but a space for exploration and personal growth.

What does it do?

Freemasonry provides its members with a structured path towards Enlightenment. Through regular Lodge meetings, the study of symbolism and philosophy, and reflection on moral and social issues, Masons embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. However, Freemasonry does not make any promises or guarantee specific results for its members.

What does Freemasonry teach?

Freemasonry imparts essential values such as self-discovery, moral improvement, sincerity, respect, humility, tolerance, commitment, and fraternal love, encouraging members to embody these principles in their lives.

Will Freemasonry help me become a better person and improve my life?

Freemasonry is often described as a process of refining good individuals to make them better. However, the extent of personal improvement depends on how much one invests in Freemasonry and their own dedication to the journey.

What will I learn when I become a Freemason?

Freemasonry covers diverse subjects, ranging from ancient architecture to music and symbolism, with a focus on topics that contribute to the betterment of society.

Why does Freemasonry use symbols?

Symbols convey ideas that cannot be expressed directly, and Freemasons use them to integrate personal intuition and uncover deeper truths during their quest for knowledge.

What happens at a Lodge meeting?

Freemasons work together as builders, constructing their inner Temple through rituals and the use of symbolic tools. Lodge meetings create a sacred space for reflection and discussion, where members share and discuss their philosophical and social papers. The meeting is followed by a meal (Agape), fostering further informal discussions.

Is Freemasonry a sect?

No, Freemasonry is an open and inclusive organization that encourages free thinking and open opinions. It does not coerce anyone and promotes individual development without any pressure.

Is non-dogmatic Freemasonry a religion?

Non-dogmatic Freemasonry, with its commitment to absolute freedom of conscience, is neither a religion nor a replacement for religion. It does not advocate any specific faith or theological system.

Is there a difference between the various non-dogmatic Masonic Obediences?

All non-dogmatic Masonic Obediences in the USA uphold the same core principles, including freedom of conscience. However, they may differ in their admission policies regarding gender, ritual practices, language, and attire. GWU, for example, initiates all people, regardless of gender identity.

Is non-dogmatic Freemasonry a secret society?

Freemasonry is not a secret society, but it values discretion among its members. While certain aspects remain private, Freemasons are free to discuss their membership with non-members.

What are the requirements for membership in G∴W∴U∴?

G∴W∴U∴ accepts candidates who embrace complete freedom of conscience, democratic values, universal human rights, and the principles outlined in "Anderson’s Constitutions of 1723." G∴W∴U∴ does not interpret these Constitutions literally, as it allows both women and atheists to become members.

How does one become a Freemason of the G∴W∴U∴?

Applicants must be of legal age and can apply by sending an email expressing their interest. Following personal interviews with Lodge members, a candidate may be invited for further questioning and a vote for or against initiation. Initiation, if approved, occurs at a later time.

What will be expected of me once I become a Freemason of G∴W∴U∴?

Once initiated, new Freemasons are expected to commit to regular Lodge meetings, attend instruction sessions and other Lodge activities, contribute philosophical papers, pay dues on time, and adhere to the G∴W∴U∴'s constitution and regulations.

Is a Freemason expected to volunteer or give to charities?

While volunteering and charitable giving are encouraged, they are not mandatory for G∴W∴U∴ members. However, under exceptional circumstances, the Lodge may collectively decide to allocate resources to a specific project.

Does G∴W∴U∴ interact with other Masonic organizations?

Yes, G∴W∴U∴ is actively engaged with other Masonic bodies through its membership in CLIPSAS, an international organization with numerous member organizations worldwide. Through CLIPSAS, G∴W∴U∴ has signed Treaties of Friendship with other Masonic bodies, adding an international and societal dimension to its work in the Lodge.