Who we are


In the year 1976, the establishment of the George Washington Lodge No.1 marked a significant event in the annals of Masonic history. Conceived as a solitary lodge, its inception resulted from the collaborative efforts of American and French Freemasons, all of whom were affiliated with the esteemed Grand Orient of France. At its core, the lodge's guiding principles rested firmly upon the principles of absolute freedom of conscience and the steadfast advocacy of gender equality. In unison with other lodges bestowed with charters from the Grand Orient of France, this conclave of Masonic brethren coalesced to form the George Washington Union—an independent Masonic obedience that would come to influence North America profoundly.

Two decades later, in 1996, the George Washington Union reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to the ethos of liberal and non-dogmatic Freemasonry. As testament to this dedication, a series of lodges were chartered across North America to accommodate those earnestly seeking to tread the Masonic path while preserving the cherished freedom of conscience, irrespective of gender. Although the venerable George Washington Lodge No.1 was initially designated for the usage of the revered French Rite, it, along with its sister lodges, subsequently resolved to adopt the solemn rituals of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, effectively performing in both the English and French languages.

Embodying a continental obedience, the George Washington Union proudly embraces the virtues of harmony, unity, and diversity, fostering an environment in which its constituent lodges are encouraged to conduct their progressive labors in English, French, or Spanish, thus acknowledging the diverse linguistic tapestry within its fold. In a captivating revival of its historical roots, the obedience has recently reintroduced the esteemed French Rite, paying homage to the original Rite of its inauguration in 1976.

Thus, our account illuminates the journey of the George Washington Union—a journey characterized by dedication to rationalism, unity, and the unwavering pursuit of Masonic excellence.

Montesquieu - The principal source of the theory of separation of powers. 

Our structure

The George Washington Union of Freemasonry is an esteemed confederation of Lodges and Triangles of Freemasons, united under the principles of rationalism, humanism, and the enlightenment. Our primary objective is to advance the development of the individual and promote the progress of humanity.

Each lodge within the G∴W∴U∴ maintains a significant level of autonomy and independence. The governance of our organization is structured around two forums - a legislative and an executive body.

Our Masonic obedience follows the principles of liberal/continental and non-dogmatic Freemasonry. We firmly believe in inclusivity, and as such, we do not impose gender requirements for petitioning the lodges of our confederation. Additionally, a belief in a supreme being is not a prerequisite for membership.

While our lodges operate independently, they must abide by the rules and regulations outlined in our Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules & Regulations. In keeping with our commitment to diversity, each lodge is free to choose the ritual they wish to practice, as long as it adheres to our established laws and traditions.

The heritage of the Grand Orient of France, with its rich traditions, practices, and history, serves as a foundation for our endeavors. We strive to uphold and promote Freemasonry in a manner that fosters absolute freedom of conscience. By embracing these ideals, we aspire to create a society that values reason, human dignity, and individual liberty, contributing to the betterment of humanity as a whole.

Executive Board

The Executive Board is a distinguished body comprising elected Grand Officers, responsible for the governance of the organization. The college of Grand Officers consists of the Grand Master, Grand Orator, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, and Grand Expert/Almoner.

Each Grand Officer holds a specific term in office, with a maximum consecutive service of six years on the board. The Grand Master serves for a term of three years, while all other positions have a two-year term.

During the Masonic Congress' recess, it becomes the duty of the Grand Master, in collaboration with their college of Grand Officers, to oversee and manage the affairs of the organization until the next Congress convenes. This ensures continuity and effective administration in between Congress assemblies.


The Masonic Congress, known as the Convent, gathers annually, hosted by a volunteer Lodge within the confederation. During the opening ceremony, the college of Officers is elected from among the representatives present. The governing ritual for the Congress follows that of the Lodge.

The Congress serves several vital purposes, including reviewing the activities of the Executive Board, which consists of the Grand Master and the college of Grand Officers. It also deals with legislative matters concerning the governing documents of the Union. Furthermore, the Congress approves the application of provisional Lodges seeking permanent membership, granting them charters, and finalizes the operating budget for the upcoming year.

To ensure representation and fairness, each Lodge and Triangle must elect a delegate to attend the Congress, advocating for their interests within the Union. Chartered Lodges are entitled to two votes, while provisional Lodges and Triangles have one vote each. Additionally, aside from their Lodge representation, each Grand Officer holds an individual voting right during the Congress proceedings.